I would also like to add,
This is a beta version, so this isnt the final client, so there will be afew little things that will be tweaked. And also i would like to mention that please feel free to add your suggestions which would help improve the server and please state any comments you have of the server so we can make the nessasery changes to satisfy your needs. There isn't a final release date currently, but soon we will be focusing more on the server and make the nessasery changes.
I would also like to inform you that as this is a beta, we rely on you as testers to find anythign that could be improve and show us of any bugs that you come across. You can still level up and gain items, however you wont fully enjoy the server untill full release. So we rely on your help to find any faults or anythign that could be improved and make sure to do asmuch as you can to explore the servers features.